Calisthenics and Nutrition Labels

and some CRAZY client wins, check it out!

Hey Blaise here, happy Monday everyone, & as always happy you are here!

Let’s get going..  

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The week that was …

Calisthenics & Nutrition Labels πŸ™‚ 


Have you heard of calisthenics? By definition it is a type of resistance training that uses body weight and gravity to build strength! We’re testing the waters, and you can too with this move…

Check out this INSTAGRAM post to see Blaise showing off the different levels.


Our podcast this week was a client request, thanks Ricky for giving us a sweet topic! Coach Blaise and Coach Mia cover how to read a nutrition label. This call was an open forum with clients in our private coaching group discussing ways to improve the foods they eat day to day. Watch it here! 


πŸ₯‡Client WINS & Testimonials

Here at BCAC, wins come in many forms. Here is what winning looked like this past week!!

πŸ† Serge down 1.4 pounds IN ONE WEEK! πŸ‘ 

πŸ† Carrie is down 20 POUNDS in four months !!

πŸ† Arjun is down 20 POUNDS in three months! ! πŸ™Œ 

πŸ† Deb is staying consistent in the gym even during a busy move!!

Quote of the Week

"Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day."

β€” Dalai Lama

Until next week …


P.S. Want to try us for a week for free? Click HERE to jumpstart your health journey with us!

Find all of our links HERE to social media pages and our favorite gear.

Know someone who may be interested in improving their health, wellness, and lifestyle? Just have them fill out this form and add your name Β« We are offering a $100 Amazon gift card if you refer a friend and they sign up!