Keep working ...

... even when no one is watching

Blaise here. Back with another week of the Blue Chip Athletic Club weekly email.

This week’s edition includes a webinar about 😴 (zzzzzz), an announcement about a new hire, how to do a proper push-up, and a quote about working hard.

Let’s get into it.

{Know someone who may be interested in these emails? Have them sign up here.}

The week that was …

🦵🏽 I hosted a webinar about sleep — one that I promise will keep you awake and alert! This will not should not surprise you but sleep is so critical to ALL parts of your health and wellness — physical, mental, and emotional.

Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional, nor do I claim to be. So please do not take what is said in these webinars as any sort of medical gospel. If you have specific questions for your specific body, consult your primary care physician or specialist!

🧑🏽 Announced that WE ARE HIRING! We are looking to bring on an assistant coach. Are you interested? Do you know someone who may be? Fill out this short form here.

🏋🏾 Shared how to do a proper push-up. Keep your elbows in TIGHT to your sides and STACK your shoulders over your wrists. Push up from your palms.

🥇Client WINS & Testimonials

🏆 Mr. Cole Morris aka The KING of the backyard pump. Wanna see what hard work looks like? Check out my man (and BCAC client) Cole.

Get it, Cole!

And a huge thank you to BCAC client, Andrew Ellis, for his testimonial. Check out how Andrew’s body has transformed over the past 16 weeks!

Quote of the Week

“Keep working even when no one is watching.”

— Alex Morgan, soccer player and World Cup winner

That’s when it matters. Don’t quit. Power through. You’ve got this.

Until next week …


Know someone who may be interested in improving their health, wellness, and lifestyle? Just have them fill out this form and add your name « We are offering a $100 Amazon gift card if you refer a friend and they sign up!