Knees. Bagels. Wins.

oh my

Blaise here. Back with another week of the Blue Chip Athletic Club weekly email.

This week’s edition includes knees, bagels, wins, and a quote about … winning.

Let’s gooooooooo.

{Know someone who may be interested in these emails? Have them sign up here.}

The week that was …

🦵🏽 I hosted a webinar about knees … and how to keep ‘em healthy. I shared my personal experience with knee issues as well as ways to combat various knee pains and issues you may encounter on a health journey.

Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional, nor do I claim to be. So please do not take what is said in these webinars as any sort of medical gospel. If you have specific questions for your specific body, consult your primary care physician or specialist!

🍗 Published a new recipe: Creamy cajun chicken & rice. See details below:

🥇Client WINS

🏆 Way to go, Serge! 

🥯 Protein Bagels

On February 5th, we shared an Instagram reel of some new protein bagels. Shortly after, we shared this new recipe with the group.

And then, this week, a BCAC client made ‘em!

Quote of the Week

Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else."

— Vince Lombardi, legendary football coach

I’ve been dedicating some space to “client wins” in this weekly email. Why? Two reasons:

(1) We are all in this together. When one BCAC client wins, we all win.

(2) No matter how “big” or “small” the win is, it’s still a W. You are doing more than most people.

Now go reread that quote.

Until next week …


Know someone who may be interested in improving their health, wellness, and lifestyle? Just have them fill out this form and add your name « We are offering a $100 Amazon gift card if you refer a friend and they sign up!

Still reading? If so, text me boo for a special prize.