Let’s do this.

It’s time to get 💪

Hey there. Blaise here. Welcome to the first Blue Chip Athletic Club weekly email.

This email will recap the week, share an inspirational quote, include a health or fitness hack, and include a reminder or two. It may include more. It may include less.

Okay. Let’s dive in.

{Know someone who may be interested in these emails? Have them sign up here.}

The week that was …

We had a busy week at Blue Chip Athletic Club. Here are some highlights:

💪 Welcomed two more community members

💪 Hosted a webinar on all things caffeine.

💪 Shoutout to member Zach Hackett-Gross for hitting a new milestone — under 250 lbs. Zach’s transformation has been quite impressive. Down from 382 lbs to 246. Wow. Wow. Wow.

💪 Tweaked the Blue Chip Athletic Club Recipe Cards. We had one member test out this Salmon Bowl (grab card here)

Quote of the week

Don’t try; just DO!

—Blaise (and Yoda)

This quote is super-powerful. I think of it from two angles:

First, don’t expect the result without doing the work.

Second, don’t beat yourself up when the work isn’t perfect. It’s rarely (never!) 100% perfect. It never will be. Guess what? That’s okay.

Weekly health hack

🏋🏽 While sitting on your chair at your desk (or wherever) this week, position yourself in a figure 4 — open up those hips!

That’s me. Working while in a figure 4.


Health and wellness do not happen overnight. It’s a journey.* Don’t rush the goal.

*one of my favorite words

Until next week …


Know someone who may be interested in improving their health, wellness, and lifestyle? Just have them fill out this form and add your name « We are offering a $100 Amazon gift card if you refer a friend and they sign up!

P.S. Still reading? Comment on one of my Instagram posts with this word: BOOM