About those magic pills

Yeah. So ...

Blaise here. Back with another week of the Blue Chip Athletic Club weekly email.

This week’s edition includes magic pills (spoiler alert: there are none), chocolate chips and bananas, and client wins!

Let's do this.

{Know someone who may be interested in these emails? Have them sign up here.}

The week that was …

🎥 I hosted a webinar — a quick hitter, if you will, on Nootropics .. “cognitive enhancers” used to improve memory, increase mental alertness, boost energy, and more. REMINDER: THERE IS NO MAGIC PILL. 

Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional, nor do I claim to be. So please do not take what is said in these webinars as any sort of medical gospel. If you have specific questions for your specific body, consult your primary care physician or specialist!

🍫 🍌 🍞 Made chocolate chip banana bread protein donuts. Sooooo goooood. Check out this Insta post

🥇Client WINS & Testimonials

It was a busy week of WINNING. All we do at BCAC is win win no matter what what!

🏆 Sergio Dayneko is reinventing his diet DAILY

🏆 Thomas Ashley⁩ is finding ways to work out and move while on the road 

🏆 Arjun⁩ is already down 1.5 lbs after less than 2 weeks

🏆 Ricky⁩ did his first TRX workout, getting uncomfortable like a badass

🏆 Andrew Ellis⁩ is officially down over 10 lbs

Quote of the Week

“In an age of quick fixes, we look for the magic pill or the one-time solution, ignoring the deeper, more enduring benefits of hard work and persistence.”

— Arianna Huffington, a Greek-American author, co-founder, and former editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post

Sticking with the theme of “magic pills,” I really love this quote from Arianna Huffington.

Until next week …


P.S. Want to try us for a week for free? Click HERE to jumpstart your health journey with us!

Find all of our links HERE to social media pages and our favorite gear.

Know someone who may be interested in improving their health, wellness, and lifestyle? Just have them fill out this form and add your name « We are offering a $100 Amazon gift card if you refer a friend and they sign up!