Memorial Day

It isn't just about the BBQ

Hey Blaise here, happy Monday everyone, & HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!

Let’s get going..  

{Know someone who may be interested in these emails? Have them sign up here.}

The week that was …

The YUKA app & BBQ sauce & one pot shrimp orzo.

& a glimpse into our clients win and results. πŸ™‚ 


First a foremost a very special and heartfelt thank you to all the service members that gave their lives to protect and honor the freedoms we have in this country.

We hope you’ve taken a moment in your weekend to remember what the day is all about!


Are you looking for a simple resource to check how healthy foods are at the grocery store? Look no further than the YUKA app! It’s free and has been a game changer for us when it comes to finding substitutions for kitchen essentials. We challenge you to download the YUKA app and scan some things in your fridge this week.

We’ve been using this app as a quick resource when out shopping to make smarter food choices! Watch how here!


One pan creamy lemon orzo with shrimp πŸ™Œ 

πŸ₯‡Client WINS & Testimonials

Here at BCAC, wins come in many forms. Here is what winning looked like this past week!!

πŸ† People at work are noticing Andrew’s weight loss, as they should! πŸ‘ 

πŸ† Deb is perfecting her lunge form! πŸ€™

πŸ† TJ added running into his program for a little sweaty cardio! πŸ™Œ 

Quote of the Week

"There is nothing permanent except change"

β€” Heraclitus

Until next week …


P.S. Want to try us for a week for free? Click HERE to jumpstart your health journey with us!

Find all of our links HERE to social media pages and our favorite gear.

Know someone who may be interested in improving their health, wellness, and lifestyle? Just have them fill out this form and add your name Β« We are offering a $100 Amazon gift card if you refer a friend and they sign up!