How do you start o your day??

Hey Blaise here, a new week, and as always, happy you're here!

Let’s go! ..  

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The week that was …

  • We had a special guest on the podcast this week! Ali Santiago; author, mother, and military spouse shared how she’s incorporated breathing and yoga exercise into her children homeschool routine, and how it has helped set her children up for their day.

  • HYROX training is underway in the Curtis household, Blaise has posted a peak into his self induced training program on Instagram!

  • & a ‘takeout’ inspired dinner idea!


Ali speaks on her experience with using breath work and yoga practices in her children’s morning school routine and how it sets the tone as calm and engaged for the rest of the school day. And how her son Gabe does not let her skip it!

Listen to what Ali has to say about breathing and yoga here in the WEEKLY WEBINAR/PODCAST EPISODE 33 !!

Disclaimer: We are not healthcare professionals, nor do we claim to be. So please do not take what is said in these as any sort of medical gospel. If you have specific questions for your specific body, consult your primary care physician or specialist!


HYROX combines both running and functional workout stations, where participants run 1km, followed by 1 functional fitness station, repeated eight times.

Coach Blaise, Coach Mia and other friends and fitness coaches will be competing in the HYROX event in Anaheim, California in a few weeks! Check out this Instagram post on Blaise’s latest training day!


Who doesn’t love take out? Maybe the love comes from no clean up? This recipe does require clean up BUT it definitely doesn't skip on that teriyaki taste!

🥇Client WINS & Testimonials

Here at BCAC, wins come in many forms. Here is what winning looked like this past week !!

🏆 Tim is not letting food logging affect his eating! 🤘 

🏆 Arjun didn’t have any knee pain after a 4 mile run! 🤙 

🏆 Serge is being mindful about his daily protein intake! 🙌 

🏆 Carrie lost weight on vaca!!!! 👏 

🏆 Andrew didn’t skip a beat getting back into it after vacation! 🙌 

Quote of the Week

“The best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment. ”

— Thich Nhat Hanh

Until next week …

Blaise & Chels

P.S. Want to try us for a week for free? Click HERE to jumpstart your health journey with us!

Find all of our links HERE to social media pages and our favorite gear.

Know someone who may be interested in improving their health, wellness, and lifestyle? Just have them fill out this form and add your name « We are offering a $100 Amazon gift card if you refer.